Laboratório de Paleontologia

USP - Ribeirão Preto

Contribuições do PaleoLab

#1 - Langer, M. C. 2003. The pelvic and hindlimb anatomy of the stem-sauropodomorph Saturnalia tupiniquim (Late Triassic, Brazil). Paleobios. 23: 1-40.


#2 - Langer, M. C. 2004. Basal Saurischia. Pp. 25-46. In: D. Weishampel, P. Dodson & H. Osmólska (eds). The Dinosauria. 2 ed . University of California Press, Berkeley.


#3 - Fara, E., & M. C. Langer. 2004. Estimates of phylogeny and biochronology. Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia. 7: 301-310.


#4 - Langer, M. C. 2005a. Studies on continental Late Triassic tetrapod biochronology. I. The type locality of Saturnalia tupiniquim and the faunal succession in south Brazil. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 19: 205-218.


#5 - Langer, M. C. 2005b. Studies on continental Late Triassic tetrapod biochronology. II. The Ischigualastian and a Carnian global correlation. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 19: 219-239.


#6 - França, M. A. G., & M. C. Langer. 2005. A new freshwater turtle (Pleurodira, Podocnemididae) from the Upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) of Minas Geris, Brazil. Geodiversitas. 27: 391-411.


#7 - Langer, M. C., & M. J. Benton. 2006. Early dinosaurs: a phylogenetic study. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 4: 309-358.


#8 - França, M. A. G., & M. C. Langer. 2006. Phylogenetic relationships of the Bauru Group turtles (Late Cretaceous of south-central Brazil). Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia. 9: 365-373.


#9 - Ferigolo, J., & M. C. Langer. 2006. A Late Triassic dinosauriform from south Brazil and the origin of the ornithischian predentary bone. Historical Biology. 19: 23-33.


#10 - Langer, M. C., M. A. G. de França & S. Gabriel. 2007. The pectoral girdle and forelimb anatomy of the stem-sauropodomorph Saturnalia tuiniquim (Upper Triassic, Brazil). Special Papers in Palaeontology. 77: 113-137.


#11 - Langer, M. C., A. M. Ribeiro, C. L. Schultz & J. Ferigolo. 2007. The continental tetrapod-bearing Triassic of South Brazil. Bulletin of the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science. 41: 201-218.


#12 - Castro, M. C., & M. C. Langer. 2008. New postcranial remains of Smilodon populator Lund, 1842 from southeastern Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia. 11: 199-206.


#13 - Langer, M. C., E. Eltink, J. Bittencourt & R. Rohn. 2008. Serra do Cadeado, PR: uma janela paleobiológica para o Permiano continental sul-americano. PP. 433-450. In: M. Winge, C. Schobbenhaus, C. R. G. Souza, A. C. S. Fernandes, M. Berbert-Born, & E. T. Queiroz. (eds.). Sítios Geológicos e Paleontológicos do Brasil. Volume III. CPRM, Brasília.


#14 - Bittencourt, J. S., & A. W. A. Kellner. 2009. The anatomy and phylogenetic position of the Triassic dinosaur Staurikosaurus pricei Colbert, 1970. Zootaxa. 2079: 1-56.


#15 - Langer, M. C., M. Ezcurra, J. S. Bittencourt & F. Novas. 2009. The origin and early evolution of dinosaurs. Biological Reviews. 85: 55-110.


#16 - Montefeltro, F. C., C. R. Laurini & M. C. Langer. 2009. Multicuspided crocodyliform teeth from the Late Cretaceous (São José do Rio Preto Formation, Bauru Group) of São Paulo, Brazil. Cretaceous Research. 30: 1279-1286.


#17 - Brusatte, S. L., M. J. Benton, J. B. Desojo & M. C. Langer. 2010. The higher-level phylogeny of Archosauria (Tetrapoda: Diapsida). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 8: 3-47.


#18 - Montefeltro, F. C., M. C. Langer & C. L Schultz. 2010. Cranial anatomy of a new genus of hyperodapedontine rhynchosaur (Diapsida, Archosauromorpha) from the Upper Triassic of southern Brazil. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. 101: 27–52.


#19 - Langer, M. C., F. C. Montefeltro, D. E. Hone, R. Whatley & C. L. Schultz. 2010. On Fodonyx spenceri and a new rhynchosaur from the Middle Triassic of Devon. Journal of Vertebrate Palaeontology. 30: 1884-1888.


#20 - Vila Nova, B. C., A. A. F. Saraiva, J. K. R. Moreira & J. M. Sayão. 2011. Controlled excavations in the Romualdo Formation Lagerstätte (Araripe Basin, Brazil) and Pterosaur diversity: remarks based on new findings. Palaios. 26: 173-179.


#21 - Bittencourt, J. S., & M. C. Langer. 2011. Mesozoic dinosaurs from Brazil and their biogeographic implications. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências. 83: 23-60.


#22 - França, M. A. G., J. Ferigolo & M. C. Langer. 2011. Associated skeletons of a new middle Triassic "Rauisuchia" from Brazil. Naturwissenschaften. 98: 389-395.


#23 - Langer, M. C., J. S. Bittencourt & C. L. Schultz. 2011. A reassessment of the basal dinosaur Guaibasaurus candelariensis, from the Late Triassic Caturrita Formation of south Brazil. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. 101: 301-332.


#24 - Castro, M. C., & M. C. Langer. 2011. The mammalian fauna of Abismo Iguatemi, Southeastern Brazil. Journal of Cave and Karst studies. 73: 83-92.


#25 - Montefeltro, F. C., H. C. E. Larsson & M. C. Langer. 2011. A new Baurusuchid (Crocodyliformes, Mesoeucrocodylia) from the Late Cretaceous of Brazil and the Phylogeny of Baurusuchidae. PLOS ONE. 6 (7): e21916. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0021916.


#26 - Cabreira, S. F., C. L. Schultz, J. S. Bittencourt, M. B. Soares, D. C. Fortier, L. R. Silva & M. C. Langer. 2011. New stem-sauropodomorph (Dinosauria, Saurischia) from the Triassic of Brazil. Naturwissenschaften . doi: 10.1007/s00114-011-0858-0.


#27 - Santos, J. D. F., A. K. B. Silva, C. H. C. Matos, P. Hadler & A. S. Hsiou. 2012. Assembléia holocênica de vertebrados de pequeno porte do sítio Alcobaça, estado de Pernambuco, Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia. 15: 359-370.


#28 - Bittencourt, J. S., L. A. Leal, M. C. Langer & S. A. K. Azevedo. 2012. An additional basal sauropodomorph specimen from the Upper Triassic Caturrita Formation, southern Brazil, with comments on the biogeography of plateosaurids. Alcheringa. 36: 269-278.


#29 - Bittencourt, J. S., & M. C. Langer. 2012. Os dinossauros no Mesozóico brasileiro e as relações biogeográficas entre África e América do Sul. Pp. 299-335. In: V. Gallo, H. Silva, P. Brito & J. Figueiredo (eds). Paleontologia de Vertebrados: Relações entre América do Sul e África. Interciência, Rio de Janeiro.


#30 - Eltink, E., & E. V. Dias. 2012. Os "anfíbios" temnospôndilos brasileiro e suas implicações paleobiogeográficas. Pp. 69-98. In: V. Gallo, H. Silva, P. Brito & J. Figueiredo (eds)Paleontologia de Vertebrados: Relações entre América do Sul e ÁfricaInterciência, Rio de Janeiro.


#31 - Sayão, J. M., B. C. Vila Nova & P. S. Romano. 2012. Considerções sobre os padrões de distribuição dos Pterodactyloidea (Archosauria, Pterosauria). Pp. 279-298. In: V. Gallo, H. Silva, P. Brito & J. Figueiredo (eds)Paleontologia de Vertebrados: Relações entre América do Sul e ÁfricaInterciência, Rio de Janeiro.


#32 - Vila Nova, B. C., & J. M. Sayão. 2012. On wing disparity and morphological variation of the Santana Group pterosaurs. Historical Biology. 24: 567-574.


#33 - Bronzati, M. C., F. C. Montefeltro, & M. C. Langer. 2012. A species-level supertree of Crocodyliformes. Historical Biology. 24: 598-606.


#34 - Abel, R. L., C. R. Laurini, & M. Richter. 2012. A palaeobiologist's guide to 'virtual' micro-CT preparation. Palaeontologia Electronica. 15: 6T, 17pp.


#35 - Bittencourt, J. S., A. S. da Rosa, C. L. Schultz, & M. C. Langer. 2012. Dinosaur remains from the "Botucaraí Hill" (Caturrita Formation), Late Triassic of south Brazil, and their stratigraphic context. Historical Biology. 25: 81-93.


#36 - Ferreira, D., A. K. B. Silva, C. H. C. Matos, P. Hadler & A. S. Hsiou. 2012. Assembléia Holocênica de vertebrados de pequeno porte do Sítio Alcobaça, Estado de Pernambuco, Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia. 15: 359-370.


#37 - Hsiou, A. S., P. V. Oliveira, C. L. Ximenes & M. S. S. Viana 2012. Lizards and Snakes (Lepidosauria, Squamata) from the Late Quaternary of the State of Ceará in Northeastern Brazil. Journal of Cave and Karst Studies. 74: 262-270.


#38 - Montefeltro, F. C., J. S. Bittencourt, M. C. Langer, & C. L. Schultz. 2013. Postcranial anatomy of the hyperodapedontine rhynchosaur Teyumbaita sulcognathus (Azevedo and Schultz, 1987) from the Late Triassic of Southern Brazil. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 33: 67-84.


#39 - Castro, M. C., A. M. Ribeiro, J. Ferigolo, & M. C. Langer. 2013. Redescription of Dasypus punctatus Lund, 1840 and considerations on the genus Propraopus Ameghino, 1881 (Xenarthra, Cingulata). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 33: 434-447.


#40 - França, M. A. G., M. C. Langer & J. Ferigolo. 2013. The skull anatomy of Decuriasuchus quartacolonia (Pseudosuchia: Suchia: Loricata) from middle Triassic of Brazil. Geological Society Special Publication. 379: 469-502.


#41 - Langer, M. C., & J. Ferigolo. The Late Triassic dinosauromorph Sacisaurus agudoensis (Caturrita Formation; Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil): anatomy and affinities. Geological Society Special Publication. 379: 353-392.


#42 - Langer, M. C., S. Nesbitt, J. S. Bittencourt & R. Irmis. Non-dinosaurian Dinosauromorpha. Geological Society Special Publication. 379: 157-186.


#43 - Nesbitt, S., S. L. Brusatte, J. B. Desojo, A. Liparini, M. A. G. França, J. C. Weinbaum & D. J. Gower. 2013. Rauisuchia. Geological Society Special Publication. 379: 241-274.


#44 - Montefeltro, F. C., & M. C. Langer. 2013. Crocodyliformes. Pp. 120-141. In: C. R. A. Candeiro & L. S. Avilla. Fósseis de Vertebrados e Plantas do Período dos Dinossauros da Região do Triângulo Mineiro. LetraCapital . p. 120-141.


#45 - Romano, P. S. R., & A. S. Hsiou. 2013. Lepidosauria e Testudines. In: C. R. A. Candeiro & Avilla, L. S. Fósseis de Vertebrados e Plantas do Período dos Dinossauros da Região do Triângulo Mineiro. LetraCapital, Rio de Janeiro.


#46 - Hsiou, A. S., G. R. Winck, B. W. Schubert & L. S. Ávila. 2013. On the presence of Eunectes murinus (Squamata, Serpentes) from the Late Pleistocene of northern Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia. 16: 77-82.


#47 - Riff, D., R. G. Souza, G. M. Cidade, A. G. Martinelli & J. P. Souza-Filho. 2013. Crocodilomorfos: a maior diversidade de répteis fósseis do Brasil. Terrae . 9: 58-71.


#48 - Montefeltro, F. C., H. C. E. Larsson, M. A. G. França & M. C. Langer. 2013. A new neosuchian with Asian affinities from the Jurassic of northeastern Brazil. Naturwissenschaften. 100: 835-841.


#49 - Ferreira, G. S., & M. C. Langer. 2013. A pelomedusoid (Testudines, Pleurodira) plastron from the Lower Cretaceous of Alagoas, Brazil. Cretaceous Research. 43: 267-271.


#50 - Ribeiro, A. M., R. H. Madden, F. R. Negri, L. Kerber, A. S. Hsiou & K. A. Rodrigues. 2013. Mamíferos fósiles y biocronología en el suroeste de la Amazonia, Brasil. In: D. Brandoni & Noriega, J. I. El Neógeno de la Mesopotamia argentina. Asociación Paleontológica Argentina, Publicación Especial. 14: 207-221.


#51 - Comniskey, J. C., & R. P. Ghilardi. 2013Levantamento histórico da Classe Tentaculitoidea no Devoniano brasileiro: principais características e padrões de preservaçãoTerr@plural. 7: 15-26.


#52 - Vila Nova, B. C., J. M. Sayão, V. H. M. L. Neumann & A. W. A. Kellner. 2014. Redescription of Cearadactylus atrox (Pterosauria, Pterodactyloidea) from the Romualdo Formation (santana Group), Early Cretaceous, Araripe Basin, Brazil. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 34: 126-134.


#53 - Benton, M. J., J. Forth & M. C. Langer. 2014. Models for the Rise of the Dinosaurs. Current Biology. 24: R87-R95.


#54 - Bittencourt, J. S., A. B. Arcucci, C. A. Marsicano & M. C. Langer. 2014. Osteology of the Middle Triassic archosaur Lewisuchus admixtus Romer (Chañares Formation, Argentina), its inclusivity, and relationships among early dinosauromorphs. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 3: 189-219.


#55 - Müller, R. T., M. C. Langer, A. S. S. Aires & S. Dias-da-Silva. 2014. New dinosauriform (Ornithodira, Dinosauromorpha) record from the Late Triassic of Southern Brazil. Paleontological Research. 18: 118-121.


#56 - Langer, M. C. 2014. The origins of Dinosauria: Much ado about nothing. Palaeontology. 57: 469-478.


#57 - Eltink, E., & M. C. Langer. 2014. A new specimen of the temnospondyl Australerpeton cosgriffi from the late Permian of Brazil (Rio do Rasto Formation, Paraná Basin): comparative anatomy and phylogenetic relationships. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 34: 524-538.


#58 - Godoy, P. L., F. C. Montefeltro, M. A. Norell & M. C. Langer. 2014. An Additional Baurusuchid from the Cretaceous of Brazil with Evidence of Interspecific Predation among Crocodyliformes. PLOS ONE. 9: e97138.


#59 - Iannuzzi, R., & M. C. Langer. 2014. The presence of Callipterids in the Permian of Northeastern Brazil: stratigraphic and phytogeographical implications. Pp. 403-406. In: R. Rocha, J. Pais, J. C. Kullberg & S. Finney (eds). STRATI 2013 - First International Congress on Stratigraphy: at the Cutting Edge of Stratigraphy. Springer Geology Series.


#60 - Marsola, J. C. A., G. Grellet-Tinner, F. C. Montefeltro, J. M. Sayão, A. S. Hsiou & M. C. Langer. 2014. The first fossil avian egg from Brazil. Alcheringa. 38: 563-576.


#61 - Marsola, J. C. A., G. Grellet-Tinner, F. C. Montefeltro & M. C. Langer. 2014. The first Pan-Podocnemididae turtle egg from the Presidente Prudente Formation (Late Cretaceous, Bauru Group), Brazil. Zootaxa. 3872: 187-194.


#62 - Hsiou, A. S., A. M. Albino, M. A. Medeiros & R. A. B. Santos. 2014. The oldest Brazilian snakes from the Cenomanian (early Late Cretaceous). Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 59: 635-642.


#63 - Castro, M. C. , F. C. Montefeltro & M. C. Langer. 2014. The Quaternary vertebrate fauna of the limestone cave Gruta do Ioiô, northeastern Brazil. Quaternary International. 352: 164-175.


#64 - Langer, M. C., A. D. Rincón, J. Ramezani, A. Solórzano & O. W. M. Rauhut. 2014. New dinosaur (Theropoda, stem-Averostra) from the earliest Jurassic of the La Quinta Formation, Venezuelan Andes. Royal Society Open Science. 1: 140184.


#65 - Kerber, L., V. G. Pitana, A. M. Ribeiro, A. S. Hsiou & E. V. Oliveira. 2014. Late Pleitocene vertebrates from Touro Passo creek (Touro Passo Formation), southern Brazil: a review. Revista Mexicana de Ciências Geológicas. 31: 348-259.


#66 - Pretto, F., C. L. Schultz & M. C. Langer. 2015. New dinosaur remains from the Late Triassic of southern Brazil (Santa Maria 2 Sequence, Hyperodapedon Assemblage Zone). Alcheringa. 39: online-first.


#67 - D'Orazi Porchetti, S., H. B. Mocke, M. Latiano & A. Wagensommer. 2015. First record of Otozum from Namibia. Lethaia. 48: 72-82.


#68 - Müller, R. T., M. C. Langer, S. F. Cabreira & S. Dias da Silva. 2015. The femoral anatomy of Pampadromaeus barberenai based on a new specimen from the Upper Triassic of Brazil. Historical Biology. online-first.


#69 - Bronzati, M., F. C. Montefeltro & M. C. Langer. 2015. Diversification events and the effects of mass extinctions on Crocodyliformes evolutionary history.  Royal Society Open Science. 2: 140385.


#70 - Comniskey, J. C., R. P. Ghilardi & E. P. Bosetti. 2015. Conhecimento atual sobre os tentaculitoideos devonianos das bacias do Amazonas e Parnaíba, Brasil, depositados em instituições brasileirasBoletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Naturais. 10: 49-61.


#71 - Ferreira, G. S., A. D. Rincón, A. Solórzano & M. C. Langer. 2015. The last marine pelomedusoids (TestudinesPleurodira): a new species of Bairdemys and the paleoecology of Stereogenyina PeerJ. 3: e1063.


#72 - Vila Nova, B. C., J. M. Sayão, M. C. Langer & A.W.A. Kellner. 2015. Comments on the cervical vertebrae of the Tapejaridae (Pterosauria, Pterodactyloidea) with description of new specimens Historical Biology. 27: 771-781.


#73 - D'Orazi Porchetti, S., & A. Wagensommer. 2015. A vertebrate trackway from the Twyfelfontein Formation (Lower Cretaceous), Damaraland, Namibia. Paläontologische Zeitschrift. On-line first.


#74 - Hsiou, A. S., M. A. G. de França & J. Ferigolo. 2015. New Data on the Clevosaurus (Sphenodontia:Clevosauridae) from the Upper Triassic of Southern BrazilPLOS ONE. 10(9): e0137523.


#75 - Eltink, E., E. V. Dias, S. Dias da Silva, C. L. Schultz & M. C. Langer. 2015. The cranial morphology of the temnospondyl Australerpeton cosgriffi (Tetrapoda: Stereospondyli) from the Late Permian of Paraná Basin and the phylogenetic relationships of Rhinesuchidae. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Societydoi: 10.1111/zoj.12339.


#76 - Krmpotic, C. M., M. R. Ciancio, A. A. Carlini, M. C. Castro, A. C. Scarano & C. G. Barbeito. 2015. Comparative histology and ontogenetic change in the carapace of armadillos (Mammalia: Dasypodidae)Zoomorphologydoi: 10.1007/s00435-015-0281-8.


#77 - Abbassi, N., S. D'Orazi Porchetti, A. Wagensommer & M. G. Dehnavi. 2015. Dinosaur and crocodylomorph footprints from the Hojedk Formation (Bajocian, Middle Jurassic) of north Kerman, Central IranItalian Journal of Geosciences. 134: 86-94.


#78 - Castro, M. C. 2016. Sistemática y evolución de los armadillos Dasypodini (Xenarthra, Cingulata, Dasypodidae). Revista del Museo de La Plata. 15(73): 1-50.


#79 - Müller, R. T., M. C. Langer & S. Dias-da-Silva. 2016. Biostratigraphic significance of a new early sauropodomorph specimen from the Upper Triassic of southern BrazilHistorical Biology. On-line first.


#80 - Ferreira, G. S., A. D. Rincón, A. Solórzano & M. C. Langer. 2016. Review of the fossil matamata turtles: earliest well-dated record and hypotheses on the origin of their present geographical distributionThe Science of Nature. 103: 28.


#81 - Schultz, C. L., M. C. Langer & F. C. Montefeltro. 2016. A new rhynchosaur from south Brazil (Santa Maria Formation) and rhynchosaur diversity patterns across the Middle-Late Triassic boundary. Paläontologische Zeitschrift. On-line first.


#82 - Pacheco, C. P., E. Eltink, R. T. Müller & S. Dias-da-Silva. 2016. A new Permian temnospondyl with Russian affinities from South America, the new family Konzhukoviidae, and the phylogenetic status of ArchegosauroideaJournal of Systematic Palaeontology. On-line first.


#83 - Godoy, P. L., M. Bronzati, E. Eltink, J. C. A. Marsola, G. M. Cidade, M. C. Langer & F. C. Montefeltro. 2016. Postcranial anatomy of Pissarrachampsa sera (Crocodyliformes, Baurusuchidae) from the Late Cretaceous of Brazil: insights on lifestyle and phylogenetic significancePeerJ. 2075.


#84 - França, M. A. G., J. C. A. Marsola, D. Riff, A. S. Hsiou & M. C. Langer. 2016. New lower jaw and teeth referred to Maxakalisaurus topai (Titanosauria:Aeolosaurini) and their implications for the phylogeny of titanosaurid sauropods. PeerJ. 2054.


#85 - Marsola, J. C. A., A. Batezelli, F. C. Montefeltro, G. Grellet-Tinner & M. C. Langer. 2016. Palaeoenvironmental characterization of a crocodilian nesting site from the Late Cretaceous of Brazil and the evolution of crocodyliform nesting strategies. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 457: 221-232.


#86 - Onary-Alves, S. Y., A. S, Hsiou & A. D. Rincón. 2016. The northernmost South American fossil record of Boa constrictor (Boidae, Boinae) from the Plio–Pleistocene of El Breal de Orocual (Venezuela). Alcheringa. 41: on-line first.


#87 - Ferreira, G. S. 2016. Abordagens convergentes, novidades evolutivas e a origem da carapaça das tartarugas. Revista da Biologia. 16(1):1-6.


#88 - Hsiou, A. S., B. W. Schubert, G. R. Wink, S. Y. Onary-Alves & L. S. Avilla. 2016. New quaternary teiid (Lepidosauria, Squamata) lizard remains from Gruta do Urso, Tocantins, Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia. 19: 233-242.


#89 - Souza, R. G., G. M. Cidade, D. A. Campos & D. Riff. 2016. New crocodylian remains from the Solimões Formation (lower Eocene–Pliocene), state of Acre, southwestern brazilian amazonia. Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia. 19: 217-232.


#90 - Hermanson, G., G. S. Ferreira & M. C. Langer. 2016. The largest Cretaceous podocnemidoid turtle (Pleurodira) revealed by an isolated plate from the Bauru Basin, south-central Brazil. Historical Biology. online-first.


#91 - Wagensommer, A., M. Latiano, H. B. Mocke, S. D'Orazi Porchetti & A. Wanke. 2016. A Dinosaur Ichnocoenosis from the Waterberg Plateau (Etjo Formation, Lower Jurassic), Namibia. Ichnos. 23: 312-321.


#92 - Wagensommer, A., M. Latiano, B. Helke, H. B. Mocke, S. D'Orazi Porchetti & A. Wanke. 2016. Dinosaur diversity in an Early Jurassic African desert: the significance of the Etjo Sandstone ichnofauna at the Otjihaenamaparero locality (Namibia). Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abh. 281, 155–182.


#93 - D'Orazi Porchetti, S., M. Bernardi, A. Cinquegranelli, V. F. dos Santos, D. Marty, F. M. Petti, P. S. Caetano & A. Wagensommer. 2016. A review of the dinosaur track record from Jurassic and Cretaceous shallow marine carbonate depositional environments. In: P. Falkingham, D. Marty & A. Richter (eds). Dinosaur tracks - the next steps. Indiana University Press, Bloomington.


#94 - D'Orazi Porchetti, R. J. Bertini & M. C. Langer. 2016. Walking, running, hopping. Analysis of gait variability and locomotor skills in Brasilichnium elusivum Leonardi, with inferences on trackmaker identification. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. online-first.


#95 - Cabreira, S. F., A. W. A. Kellner, S. Dias-da-Silva, L. Roberto da Silva, M. Bronzati, J. C. A. Marsola, R. T. Müller, J. S. Bittencourt, B. J. Batista, T. Raugust, R. Carrilho, A. Brodt & M. C. Langer2016. A Unique Late Triassic Dinosauromorph Assemblage Reveals Dinosaur Ancestral Anatomy and Diet. Current Biology. online-first.


#96 - Strauss, A., R. E. Oliveira, X. S. Villagran, D. V. Bernardo, D. C. Salazar-García, M. C. Bissaro Jr, F. Pugliese, T. Hermenegildo, R. Santos, A. Barioni, E. C. de Oliveira, J. C. Moreno de Sousa, K. Jaouen, M. Ernani, M. Hubbe, M. Inglez, M. Gratão, H. Rockwell, M. Machado, G. de Souza, F. Chemale, K. Kawashita, T. C. O'Connell, I. Israde, J. Feathers, C. Campi, M. Richards, J. Wahl, R. Kipnis, A. Araujo & W. Neves. 2016. Early Holocene ritual complexity in South America: the archaeological record of Lapa do Santo (east-central Brazil). Antiquity. 90: 1454-1473.


#97 - Carbonaro, F. A., & R. P. Ghilardi. 2016. Fósseis do Devoniano de Goiás, Brasil (Sub‑bacia Alto Garças, Bacia do Paraná). Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia. 56: 135-149.


#98 - Carbonaro, F. A., F. V. E. Meira, J. M. Leme, E. P. Bosetti & R. P. Ghilardi. 2016. Metacryphaeus tuberculatus and Metacryphaeus australis (Trilobita, Phacopida) from the Devonian of the Paraná Basin: taxonomy and paleobiogeography. Ameghiniana. 53: 552-564.


#99 - Meira, F. V. E., F. A. Carbonaro, F. A., R. P. Ghilardi & J. M. Leme2016. The "Metacryphaeus tuberculatus" group (Trilobita, Calmoniidae) from the Devonian of the Parnaíba Basin, Brazil. Ameghiniana. 53: 463-472.


#100 - Grahn, Y., R. S. Horodyski, P. M. Mauller, E. P. Bosetti, R. P. Ghilardi & F. A. Carbonaro2017. A marine connection between Parnaíba and Paraná basins during the Eifelian/Givetian transition: review and new data. Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia. 19: 357-366.


#101 - Pretto, F. A., F. H. Veiga, M. C. Langer & C. L. Schultz2017. A juvenile sauropodomorph tibia from the 'Botucaraí Hill', Late Triassic of southern Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia. 19: 407-414.


#102 - Saraiva, A. A. F., F. J. Lima, R. A. M. Bantim, B. C. Vila Nova, J. M. Sayão & A. W. A. Kellner. 2016. Sítio Baixa Grande – nova localidade fossilífera para a Formação Romualdo (Grupo Santana), Bacia do Araripe. Caderno de Cultura e Ciência, Universidade Regional do Cariri. 15: 3-18.


#103 - Cidade​, G. M., A. Solórzano, A. D. Rincón, D. Riff & A. S. Hsiou2017. A new Mourasuchus (Alligatoroidea, Caimaninae) from the late Miocene of Venezuela, the phylogeny of Caimaninae and considerations on the feeding habits of Mourasuchus. PeerJ. 5: e3056.


#104 - Feng, X., M. C. Castro, K. McBee & M. Papeş. 2017. Hiding in a Cool Climatic Niche in the Tropics? An Assessment of the Ecological Biogeography of Hairy Long-Nosed Armadillos (Dasypus pilosus). Tropical Conservation Science. On-line first.


#105 - Silva Júnior, J., A. G. Martinelli, L. C. B. Ribeiro & T. S. Marinho. 2017. Description of a juvenile titanosaurian dinosaur from the Upper Cretaceous of Brazil. Cretaceous Research. On-line first.


#106 - D'Orazi PorchettiR. J. Bertini & M. C. Langer2017. Proposal for Ichnotaxonomic Allocation of Therapsid Footprints from the Botucatu Formation (Brazil). Ichnos. On-line first.


#107 - Martinelli, A. G., E. Eltink, A. S. da Rosa & M. C. Langer2017. A new cynodont from the Santa Maria Formation, south Brazil, improves Late Triassic probainognathian diversity. Papers in Palaeontology. On-line first.


#108 - Kerber, L., M. C. Bissaro Júnior, F. R. Negri, J. P. Souza-Filho, E. Guilherme & A. S. Hsiou2017. A new rodent (Caviomorpha: Dinomyidae) from the upper Miocene of southwestern Brazilian Amazonia. Historical Biology. On-line first.


#109 - Onary, S. Y., T. S. Fachini & A. S. Hsiou2017. The snake fossil record from Brazil. Journal of Herpetology. 51: 365-374.


#110 -  Feng, X., M. C. Castro, E. Linde & M. Papes. 2017. Armadillo Mapper: A Case Study of an Online Application to Update Estimates of Species' Potential Distributions. Conservation Letter. 10: on-line first.


#111 -  McPhee, B. W., E. M. Bordy, L. Sciscio & J. N. Choiniere. 2017. The sauropodomorph biostratigraphy of the Elliot Formation of southern Africa: Tracking the evolution of Sauropodomorpha across the Triassic–Jurassic boundary. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 62: on-line first.


#112 - Bronzati, M., O. W. M. Rauhut, J. S. Bittencourt & Max C. Langer2017. Endocast of the Late Triassic (Carnian) dinosaur Saturnalia tupiniquim: implications for the evolution of brain tissue in Sauropodomorpha. Scientific Reports. 7: 11931.


#113 -  McPhee, B. W., & J. N. Choiniere. 2017.The osteology of Pulanesaura eocollum: implications for the inclusivity of Sauropoda (Dinosauria) . Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. on-line first.


#114 - Müller, R. T., M. C. Langer, C. P. Pacheco & S. Dias-da-Silva 2017. The role of ontogeny on character polarization in early dinosaurs: a new specimen from the Late Triassic of southern Brazil and its implications. Historical Bilogy. on-line first.


#115 - Langer, M. C., M. D. Ezcurra, O. W. M. Rauhut, M. J. Benton, F. Knoll, B. W. McPhee, F. E. Novas, D. Pol & S. L. Brusatte. 2017. Untangling the dinosaur family tree. Nature. 551: e2.


#116 - Cidade, G. M., A. Solórzano, A. D. Rincón, A. S. Hsiou & F. H. S. Barbosa. 2017. On a cranial bony nodular protuberance on Mourasuchus pattersoni Cidade et al. 2017 (Crocodylia, Alligatoroidea) from the late Miocene of Venezuela. Historical Bilogy. on-line first.


#117 - Langer, M. C., A. A. S. da Rosa & F. C. Montefeltro. 2017. Supradapedon revisited: geological explorations in the Triassic of southern Tanzania. PeerJ. 4038.


#118 - Sciscio, L., E. M. Bordy, M. Abrahams, F. Knoll & B. W. McPhee2017. The first megatheropod tracks from the Lower Jurassic upper Elliot Formation, Karoo Basin, Lesotho. PlosOne. 12(10): e0185941


#119 - Araújo-Júnior, H. I., & M. C. Bissaro Júnior. 2017. Tafonomia de vertebrados em ambientes continentais. In: R. S. Horodyski & F. Erthal. (Org.). Tafonomia: Métodos, Processos e Aplicação. 1ed. Curitiba: CRV. pp: 175-236.


#120 - Ferreira, G. S., G. Hermanson, F. V. Iori & M. C. Langer2018. New turtle remains from the Late Cretaceous of Monte Alto‑SP, Brazil, including cranial osteology, neuroanatomy and phylogenetic position of a new taxon. Paläontologische Zeitschrift. /s125 42-017-0397-x.


#121 - Bandeira, K. L. N., A. S. Brum, R. V. Pêgas, G. M. Cidade, B. Holgado & A. Cidade. 2018. The Baurusuchidae vs Theropoda record in the Bauru Group (Upper Cretaceous, Brazil): a taphonomic perspective. Journal of Iberian Geology. doi:10.1007/s41513-018-0048-4.


#122 - Lautenschlager, S., G. S. Ferreira & I. Werneburg. 2018. Evolution and Ecology of Early Turtles Revealed by Digital Endocranial Reconstructions. Fronties in Ecology and Evolution. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2018.00007.


#123 - Bissaro Jr., M. C., R. P. Ghilardi, M. R. Bueno, A. Manzoli, F. S. Adorni, F. P. Muniz, E. Guilherme, J. P. de Souza-Filho, F. R. Negri & A. S. Hsiou. 2018. The Total Station as a tool for recording provenance in Paleontology fieldwork: configuration, use, advantages, and disadvantages. Palaios. 33: 55-60.


#124 - Sílvio Onary & A. S. Hsiou. 2018. Systematic revision of the early Miocene fossil Pseudoepicrates (Serpentes: Boidae): implications for the evolution and historical biogeography of the West Indian boid snakes (Chilabothrus). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society.


#125 - Müller, R. T., M. C. Langer & S. Dias-da-Silva. 2018. Ingroup relationships of Lagerpetidae (Avemetatarsalia: Dinosauromorpha): a further phylogenetic investigation on the understanding of dinosaur relatives. Zootaxa.


#126 - Godoy, P. L., G. S. Ferreira, F. C. Montefeltro, B. C. Vila Nova, R. J. Butler & M. C. Langer. 2018. Evidence for heterochrony in the cranial evolution of fossil crocodyliforms. Palaeontology.


#127 - Langer, M. C., J, Ramezani & A. A. S. Da Rosa. 2018. U-Pb age constraints on dinosaur rise from south Brazil. Gondwana Research. 57: 133-140.


#128 - Ferreira, G. S., M. Bronzati, M. C. Langer & J. Sterli. 2018. Phylogeny, biogeography and diversification patterns of side-necked turtles (Testudines: Pleurodira). Royal Society Open Science. 5: 171773.


#129 - Godoy, P. L., G. S. Ferreira, E. C. G. Dassie, A. C. Morales & A. S. Hsiou. 2018. Formação continuada no ensino de Paleontologia, pelo exemplo do projeto "Oficina de Paleontologia: os fósseis dentro da sala de aula". Revista de Cultura e Extenção da USP. 17: 11-19.


#130 - Müler, R. T., M. C. Langer, M. Bronzati, C. P. Pacheco, S. F. Cabreira & S. Dias-da-Silva. 2018. Early evolution of sauropodomorphs: anatomy and phylogenetic relationships of a remarkably wellpreserved dinosaur from the Upper Triassic of southern Brazil. Zoological Journal of the LInnean Society. On-line first.


#131 - Pretto, F. A., M. C. Langer & C. L. Schultz. 2018. A new dinosaur (Saurischia: Sauropodomorpha) from the Late Triassic of Brazil provides insights on the evolution of sauropodomorph body plan. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. On-line first.


#132 - Castro, M. C., F. J. Goin, E. Ortiz-Jaureguizar, E. C. Vieytes, K. Tsukui, J. Ramezani, A. Batezelli, J. C. A. Marsola & M. C. Langer. 2018. A Late Cretaceous mammal from Brazil and the first radioisotopic age for the Bauru Group. Royal Society Open Science. 5: 180482.


#133 - Solórzano, A., A. D. Rincón, G. M. Cidade, M. Núñez-Flores & L. Sánchez. 2018. Lower Miocene alligatoroids (Crocodylia) from the Castillo Formation, northwest of Venezuela. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments.


#134 - Iannuzzi, R., R. Neregato, J. C. Cisneros, K. D. Angielczyk, R. Rössler, R. Rohn, C. Marsicano, J. Fröbisch, T. Fairchild, R. M. H. Smith, F. Kurzawe, M. Richter, M. C. Langer, T. M. V. Tavares, C. F. Kammerer, D. M. Conceição, J. D. Pardo & G. A. Roesler. 2018. Re-evaluation of the Permian macrofossils from the Parnaíba Basin: biostratigraphic, palaeoenvironmental and palaeogeographical implications. Geological Society of London, Special Publications, 472,


#135 - Onary, S., A. D. Rincón & A. S. Hsiou. 2018. Fossil snakes (Squamata, Serpentes) from the tar pits of Venezuela: taxonomic, palaeoenvironmental, and palaeobiogeographical implications for the North of South America during the Cenozoic/Quaternary boundary. PeerJ. 6:e5402.


#136 - Cidade, G. M., A. Solórzano, A. D. Rincón, D. Riff & A. S. Hsiou. 2018. Redescription of the holotype of the Miocene crocodylian Mourasuchus arendsi (Alligatoroidea, Caimaninae) and perspectives on the taxonomy of the species. Historical Biology. DOI: 10.1080/08912963.2018.1528246.


#137 - McPhee, B. W., R. B.J. Benson, J. Botha-Brink, E. M. Bordy, & J. N. Choiniere. 2018. A Giant Dinosaur from the Earliest Jurassic of South Africa and the Transition to Quadrupedality in Early Sauropodomorphs. Current Biology. 8: 15179.


#138 - Carbonaro, F. A., M. C. Langer, S. S. Nihei, G. S. Ferreira & R. P. Ghilardi. 2018. Inferring ancestral range reconstruction based on trilobite records: a study-case on Metacryphaeus (Phacopida, Calmoniidae). Scientific Reports.


#139 - Marsola, J. C. A., J. S. Bittencourt, Á. A.S. Da Rosa, A. G. Martinelli, A. M. Ribeiro, J. Ferigolo & M. C. Langer. 2018. New sauropodomorph and cynodont remains from the Late Triassic Sacisaurus site in southern Brazil and its stratigraphic position in the Norian Caturrita Formation. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 63: 10.4202/app.00492.2018.


#140 - Ferreira, G. S.​, S. Bandyopadhyay & W. G. Joyce​. 2018. A taxonomic reassessment of Piramys auffenbergi, a neglected turtle from the late Miocene of Piram Island, Gujarat, India. PeerJ. 6: e5938.


#141 - Müller, R. T., M. C. Langer & S. Dias-da-Silva​. 2018. An exceptionally preserved association of complete dinosaur skeletons reveals the oldest long-necked sauropodomorphs. Current Biology. 14: 20180633.


#142 - Bissaro-Júnior, M. C., L. Kerber, J. L. Crowley, A. M. Ribeiro, R. P. Ghilard, E. Guilherme, F. R. Negri, J. P. Souza Filho & A. S. Hsiou. 2018. Detrital zircon U–Pb geochronology constrains the age of Brazilian Neogene deposits from Western Amazonia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 516: 64-70.


#143 - Marsola, J. C. A., G. S. Ferreira, M. C. Langer, D. J. Button & R. J. Butler. 2018. Increases in sampling support the southern Gondwanan hypothesis for the origin of dinosaurs. Palaeontology,


#144 - Cidade, G. M., D. C. Fortier & A. S. Hsiou. 2018. The crocodylomorph fauna of the cenozoic of South America and its evolutionary history: A review. Journal of South American Earth Sciences,


#145 - Ferreira, G. S., & I. Wernerburg. 2019. Evolution, Diversity, and Development of the Craniocervical System in Turtles with Special Reference to Jaw Musculature. pp. 171-206. In Ziermann, J. M., R. E. Diaz Jr. & D. Rui (Eds.). Heads, Jaws, and Muscles. Anatomical, Functional, and Developmental Diversity in Chordate Evolution. Springer.


#146 - Souza-Filho, J. P., R. G. Souza, A. S. Hsiou, D. Riff, E. Guilherme, F. R. Negri & G. M. Cidade. 2019. A new caimanine (Crocodylia, Alligatoroidea) species from the Solimões Formation of Brazil and the phylogeny of Caimaninae. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2018.1528450.


#147 - Marsola, J. C. A., J. S. Bittencourt, R. J. Butler, Á. A. S. Da Rosa, J. M. Sayão & M. C. Langer. 2019. A new dinosaur with theropod affinities from the Late Triassic Santa Maria Formation, South BrazilJournal of Vertebrate Paleontology, DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2018.1531878.


#148 - Langer, M. C., B. W. McPhee, J. C. A. Marsola, L. Roberto-da-Silva & S. F. Cabreira. 2019. Anatomy of the dinosaur Pampadromaeus barberenai (Saurischia—Sauropodomorpha) from the Late Triassic Santa Maria Formation of southern Brazil. PLoS ONE. 14(2): e0212543.


#149 - Cidade, G. M., J. P. Souza-Filho, A. S. Hsiou, C. A. Brochu & D. Riff. 2019. New specimens of Mourasuchus (Alligatorioidea, Caimaninae) from the Miocene of Brazil and Bolivia and their taxonomic and morphological implications. Alcheringa. DOI: 10.1080/03115518.2019.1566495.


#150 - Bronzati, M., M. C. Langer & O. W. M. Rauhut. 2019. Braincase anatomy of the early sauropodomorph Saturnalia tupiniquim (Late Triassic, Brazil). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2018.1559173.


#151 - Silva Júnior, J. C. G., T. S. Marinho, A. G. Martinelli & M. C. Langer. 2019. Osteology and systematics of Uberabatitan ribeiroi (Dinosauria; Sauropoda): a Late Cretaceous titanosaur from Minas Gerais, Brazil. Zootaxa. DOI: 10.1080/03115518.2019.1566495.


#152 - Eltink, E., M. C. Langer & R. Schoch. 2019. Interrelationships, palaeobiogeography and early evolution of Stereospondylomorpha (Tetrapoda: Temnospondyli). Journal of Iberian Geology. DOI: 10.1007/s41513-019-00105-z.


#153 - McPhee, B. W.,  J. S. Bittencourt, M. C. Langer, C. Apaldetti & A. A. S. Da Rosa. 2019. Reassessment of Unaysaurus tolentinoi (Dinosauria: Sauropodomorpha) from the Late Triassic (early Norian) of Brazil, with a consideration of the evidence for monophyly within non-sauropodan sauropodomorphs. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. DOI: 10.1080/14772019.2019.1602856.


#154 - Langer, M. C., N. O. Martins, P. C. Manzig, G. S. Ferreira, J. C. A. Marsola, E. Fortes, R. Lima, L. C. Sant'ana, L. S. Vidal, R. O. S. Lorençato & M. D. Ezcurra. 2019. A new desert-dwelling dinosaur (Theropoda, Noasaurinae) from the Cretaceous of south Brazil. Scientific Reports. 9. doi:10.1038/s41598-019-45306-9.


#155 - Marsola, J. C. A., & M. C. Langer. 2019. Dinosaur origins. In: S. Elias & D. Alderton (eds.), Encyclopedia of Geology - 2nd edition. p. 1-8. Elsevier.


#156 - Cidade, G. M., D. Riff, J. P. Souza-Filho & A. S. Hsiou. 2019. A reassessment of the osteology of Mourasuchus amazonensis Price, 1964 with comments on the taxonomy of the species. Palaeontologia Electronica. DOI: 10.26879/893.


#157 - Godoy, P. L., R. B. J. Benson, M. Bronzati & R. J. Butler. 2019. The multi-peak adaptive landscape of crocodylomorph body size evolution. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 19, 167.


#158 - Hsiou, A. S., R. L. Nydam, T. R. Simões, F. A. Pretto, S. Onary, A. G. Martinelli, A. Liparini, P. R. R. V. Martínez, M. B. Soares, C. L. Schultz & M. W. Caldwell. 2019. A New Clevosaurid from the Triassic (Carnian) of Brazil and the Rise of Sphenodontians in Gondwana. Scientific Reports. 9, 11821.


#159 - Cidade, G. M., D. C. Fortier & A. S. Hsiou. 2019. Taxonomic and phylogenetic review of Necrosuchus ionensis (Alligatoroidea: Caimaninae) and the early evolution and radiation of caimanines. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. DOI: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlz051.


#160 - Cidade, G. M., D. C. Fortier, A. D. Rincón & A. S. Hsiou. 2019. Taxonomic review of two fossil crocodylians from the Cenozoic of South America and its implications for the crocodylian fauna of the continent. Zootaxa. 4656: 475-486.


#161 - Evers, S. W., J. M. Neenan, G. S. Ferreira, I. Wernerburg, P. M. Barrett & R. B. J. Benson. 2019 Neurovascular anatomy of the protostegid turtle Rhinochelys pulchriceps and comparisons of membranous and endosseous labyrinth shape in an extant turtle. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. DOI: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlz063.


#162 - Marsh, A. D., W. G. Parker, M. C. Langer & S. J. Nesbitt. 2019. Redescription of the holotype specimen of Chindesaurus bryansmalli Long and Murry, 1995 (Dinosauria, Theropoda), from Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2019.1645682.


#163 - Pansani, T. R., F. P. Muniz, A. Cherkinsky, M. L. A. F. Pacheco & M. A. T. Dantas. 2019. Isotopic paleoecology (d13C, d18O) of Late Quaternary megafauna from Mato Grosso do Sul and Bahia States, Brazil. Quaternary Science Reviews 221. DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2019.105864.


#164 - Bronzati, M., R. T. Müller & M. C. Langer. 2019. Skull remains of the dinosaur Saturnalia tupiniquim (Late Triassic, Brazil): With comments on the early evolution of sauropodomorph feeding behaviour. PLoS One. 221. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0221387.


#165 - Eltink, E., M. C. Castro, F. C. Montefeltro, M. A. T. Dantas, C. S. Scherer, P. V. Oliveira & M. C. Langer. 2019. Mammalian fossils from Gruta do Ioiô cave and past of the Chapada Diamantina, northeastern Brazil, using taphonomy, radiocarbon dating and paleoecology. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. Available online 7 October 2019.


#166 - Pacheco, C., R. T. Müller, M. C. Langer, F. A. Pretto, L. Kerber & S. Dias da Silva. 2019. Gnathovorax cabreirai: a new early dinosaur and the origin and initial radiation of predatory dinosaurs. PeerJ. 7:e7963.


#167 - Cidade, G. M., D. Riff & A. S. Hsiou. 2019. The feeding habits of the strange crocodylian Mourasuchus (Alligatoroidea, Caimaninae): a review, new hypotheses and perspectives. Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia. 22: 106-119.


#168 - Aureliano, T., A. M. Ghilardi, J. C. G. Silva-Junior, A. G. Martinelli, L. C. B. Ribeiro, T. Marinho, M. A. Fernandes, F. Ricardi-Branco & M. Sander. 2019. Influence of taphonomy on histological evidence for vertebral pneumaticity in an Upper Cretaceous titanosaur from South America. Cretaceous Research. Available online 28 November 2019.


#169 - Nesbitt, S. J., M. C. Langer & M. D. Ezcurra. 2019. The Anatomy of Asilisaurus kongwe, a Dinosauriform from the Lifua Member of the Manda Beds (~Middle Triassic) of Africa. The Anatomical Record. Doi: 10.1002/ar.24287.


#170 - Lopes, P. R. M., M. C. Castro, E. Guilherme & A. S. Hsiou. 2019. Anatomical review of Eira barbara (Carnivora, Mustelidae) from the Quaternary of southwestern Brazilian Amazonia. Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia. 22: 217–224.


#171 - Strauss, A., I. M. Mariano Rodrigues, A. Baeta, X. S. Villagran, M. Alves, F. Pugliese Jr., M. Bissaro Jr., R. Elias de Oliveira, G. Neves de Souza, L. Bueno, J. C. Moreno de Souza, J. J. Morrow, K. J. Reinhard, T. Hermenegildo, G. Constantino, E. N. Chim, R. O. Santos, M. de Paiva, R. Kipnis & W. Neves. 2020. The Archaeological Record of Lagoa Santa (East-Central Brazil): from the Late Pleistocene to Historical Times. pp 227-281. In: S. Auler A., Pessoa P. (eds) Lagoa Santa Karst: Brazil's Iconic Karst Region. Cave and Karst Systems of the World. Springer, Cham.


#172 - Hermanson, G., F. V. Iori, S. W. Evers, M. C. Langer & G. S. Ferreira. 2020. A small podocnemidoid (Pleurodira, Pelomedusoides) from the Late Cretaceous of Brazil, and the innervation and carotid circulation of side-necked turtles. Papers in Palaeontology. Doi: 10.1002/spp2.1300.


#173 - Montefeltro, F. C., M. Bronzati, M. C. Langer & L. E. Anelli. 2020. A new specimen of Susisuchus anatoceps (Crocodyliformes, Neosuchia) with a non-eusuchian-type palate. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. Doi: 10.1080/02724634.2019.1716240.


#174 - Romo de Vivar, P. R., A. G. Martinelli, A. S. Hsiou & M. B. 2020. A New Rhynchocephalian from the Late Triassic of Southern Brazil Enhances Eusphenodontian Diversity. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. DOI: 10.1080/14772019.2020.1732488.


#175 - Ferreira, G. S., S. Lautenschlager, S. W. Evers, C. Pfaff, J. Kriwet, I. Raselli & I. Werneburg. 2020. Feeding biomechanics suggests progressive correlation of skull architecture and neck evolution in turtles. Scientific Reports. 10, 5505.


#176 - Montefeltro, F. C., S. Lautenschlager, P. L. Godoy, G. S. Ferreira & R. J. Butler. 2020. A unique predator in a unique ecosystem: modelling the apex predator within a Late Cretaceous crocodyliform‐dominated fauna from Brazil. Journal of Anatomy. DOI, 10.1111/joa.13192.


#177 - Bittencourt, J. S., T. R. Simões, M. W. Caldwell & M. C. Langer. 2020. Discovery of the oldest South American fossil lizard illustrates the cosmopolitanism of early South American squamates. Communications Biology. 3, 201.


#178 - Langer, M. C., F. E. Novas, J. S.Bittencourt, M. D. Ezcurra & J. A. Gauthier. 2020. Dinosauria R. Owen. In K. de Queiroz, P. D. Cantino & J. A. Gauthier (eds). Phylonyms: a Companion to the PhyloCode. 1209-1218. CRC Press.


#179 - Gauthier, J, A., M. C. Langer, F. E. Novas, J. S.Bittencourt & M. D. Ezcurra. 2020. Saurischia H. G. Seeley. In K. de Queiroz, P. D. Cantino & J. A. Gauthier (eds). Phylonyms: a Companion to the PhyloCode. 1219-1224. CRC Press.


#180 - Fabbri, M., E. Tschopp, B. McPhee, S. Nesbitt, D. Pol & M. C. Langer. 2020. Sauropodomorpha F. R. von Huene. In K. de Queiroz, P. D. Cantino & J. A. Gauthier (eds). Phylonyms: a Companion to the PhyloCode. 1225-1234. CRC Press.


#181 - Desojo, J. B., L. E. Fiorelli, M. D. Ezcurra, A. G. Martinelli, J. Ramezani, Á. A. S. Da Rosa, M. B. von Baczko, M. J. Trotteyn, F. C. Montefeltro, M. Ezpeleta & M. C. Langer. 2020. The Late Triassic Ischigualasto Formation at Cerro Las Lajas (La Rioja, Argentina): fossil tetrapods, high‑resolution chronostratigraphy, and faunal correlations. Scientific Reports, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-67854-1).


#182 - Cidade, G. M., A. D. Rincón & A. Solórzano. 2020. New cranial and postcranial elements of Mourasuchus (Alligatoroidea: Caimaninae) from the late Miocene of Venezuela and their palaeobiological implications. Historical Biology. DOI: 10.1080/08912963.2020.1795844.


#183 - Barcelos, L. A., & V. K. Verdade. 2020. Reassessment of a fossil specimen of Rhinella marina (Linnaeus, 1758) (Anura: Bufonidae), from Early Pleistocene of Bolivia. Zootaxa. 4830 (2): 392–400.


#184 - Godoy, P. L., G. M. Cidade, F. C. Montefeltro, M. C. Langer & M A Norell. 2020. Redescription and phylogenetic affinities of the caimanine Eocaiman cavernensis (Crocodylia, Alligatoroidea) from the Eocene of Argentina. Papers in Palaeontology. DOI: 10.1002/spp2.1339.


#185 - Barcelos, L. A., D. Almeida-Silva, C. M. D. Santos & V. K. Verdade. 2020. Description of a new species of fossil Ceratophrys (Anura:Ceratophryidae) from Versalles Cave, São Paulo, Brazil. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, DOI:


#186 - Silva Júnior, J. C. G. 2020. Aspectos históricos, evolutivos e paleobiológicos dos titanossauros. Revista da Biologia. 20(1): 21-27.


#187 - Fachini, T. S., S. Onary, A. Palci, M. S. Y. Lee, M. Bronzati & A. S. Hsiou. 2020. Cretaceous blindsnake from Brazil fills major gap in snake evolution. IScience. DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2020.101834.


#188 - Ezcurra, M. D., S. J. Nesbitt, M. Bronzati, F. M. Dalla Vecchia, F. L. Agnolin, R. B. J. Benson, F. B. Egli, S. F. Cabreira, S. W. Evers, A. R. Gentil, R. B. Irmis, A. G. Martinelli, F. E. Novas, L. Roberto da Silva, N. D. Smith, M. R. Stocker, A. H. Turner, & M. C. Langer. 2020. Enigmatic dinosaur precursors bridge the gap to the origin of Pterosauria. Nature, DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-3011-4.


#189 - Alves, I. M., F. C. Montefeltro & G. M. Cidade. 2021. New occurrences of Atractosteus (Ginglymodi: Lepisosteoidea: Lepisosteidae) from the Bauru Group (Upper Cretaceous, Brazil) and paleobiogeographic implications. Cretaceous Research, DOI: 10.1016/j.cretres.2020.104735.


#190 - Slobodian, V., K. Soares, R. Falaschi, L. Prado, P. Camelier, T. Guedes, L. Leal, A. Hsiou, G. Del-Rio, E. Costa, K. Pereira, A. D'Angiolella, S. Sousa & L. Diele-Viegas. 2021. Why we shouldn't blame women for gender disparity in academia: perspectives of women in zoology. Zoologia 38. DOI: 10.3897/zoologia.38.e61968.


#191 - Nogueira, F. C. S., L. X. Neves, C. Pessoa-Lima, M. C. Langer, G. B. Domont, S. R. P. Line, A. P. Leme & R. F. Gerlach. 2021. Ancient enamel peptides recovered from the South American Pleistocene species Notiomastodon platensis and Myocastor cf. coypus. Journal of Proteomics. DOI: 10.1016/j.jprot.2021.104187.


#192 - Darlin, G., F. C. Montefeltro & M. C. Langer. 2021. 3D skull modelling and description of a new baurusuchid (Crocodyliformes, Mesoeucrocodylia) from the Late Cretaceous (Bauru Basin) of Brazil. Journal of Anatomy. DOI: 10.1111/joa.13442.


#193 - Ruiz, J. V., M. Bronzati, G. S. Ferreira, K. C. Martins, M. V. Queiroz, M. C. Langer & F. C. Montefeltro. 2021. A new species of Caipirasuchus (Notosuchia, Sphagesauridae) from the Late Cretaceous of Brazil and the evolutionary history of Sphagesauria. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. DOI: 10.1080/14772019.2021.1888815.


#194 - Bronzati, M., R. B. J. Benson, S. W. Evers, M. D. Ezcurra, S. F. Cabreira, J. Choiniere, K. N. Dollman, A. Paulina-Carabajal, V. J. Radermacher, L. Roberto-da-Silva, G. Sobral, M. R. Stocker, L. M. Witmer, M. C. Langer & S. J. Nesbitt. 2021. Deep evolutionary diversification of semicircular canals in archosaurs, Current Biology. DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2021.03.086.


#195 - Silva Junior, J. C. G., A. G. Martinelli, F. V. Iori, T. S. Marinho, E. M. Hechenleitner & M. C. Langer. 2021. Reassessment of Aeolosaurus maximus, a titanosaur dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous of Southeastern Brazil. Historical Biology . DOI: 10.1080/08912963.2021.1920016.


#196 - Novas, F. E., F. L. Agnolin, M. D. Ezcurra, R. T. Müller, A. Martinelli & M. C. Langer. 2021. Review of the fossil record of early dinosaurs from South America, and its phylogenetic implications. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsames.2021. 103341.


#197 - Mestriner, G., A. LeBlanc, S. J. Nesbitt, J. C. A. Marsola, R. B. Irmis, Á. A. S. Da-Rosa, A. M. Ribeiro, J. Ferigolo & M. C. Langer. 2021. Histological analysis of ankylothecodonty in Silesauridae (Archosauria: Dinosauriformes) and its implications for the evolution of dinosaur tooth attachment. The Anatomical Record. DOI: 10.1002/ar.24679.


#198 - Pazinato, P. G., C. Haug, R. Rohn, K. Adami-Rofrigues, R. P. Ghilardi, M. C. Langer & J. T. Haug. 2021. The long trail: a chimera-like fossil crustacean interpreted as Decapoda, Stomatopoda, Amphipoda and finally Isopoda. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia. 127: 211-229.


#199 - Brandão, N. C. A, J. S. Bittencourt, A. R. Calor, M. Mendes, M. C. Langer. 2021. The Ephemeroptera (Hexapoda, Insecta) from the Lower Cretaceous Crato Formation (NE Brazil): a new genus and species, and reassessment of Costalimella zucchii Zamboni, 2001 and Cratogenites corradiniae Martins-Neto, 1996. Cretaceous Research. 127: 104923-229.


#200 - Darlim, G., I. S. Carvalho, S. A. S. Tavares & M. C. Langer. 2021. A new Pissarrachampsinae specimen from the Bauru Basin, Brazil, adds data to the understanding of the Baurusuchidae (Mesoeucrocodylia, Notosuchia) distribution in the Late Cretaceous of South America. Cretaceous Research. 127: 104969.


#201 - Agnolín, F., F. B. Egli, M. D. Ezcurra, M. C. Langer & F. E. Novas (2021). New specimens provide insights into the anatomy of the dinosauriform Lewisuchus admixtus Romer, 1972 from the upper Triassic levels of the Chañares Formation, NW Argentina. The Anatomical Record. DOI: 10.1002/ar.24731.


#202 - Muniz, F. P., M. C. Bissaro-Júnior, E. Guilherme, J. P. Souza Filho, F. R. Negri & A. S. Hsiou. 2021. Vertebrate taphonomy of two upper Miocene bonebeds in western propo-amazonia (Solimões Formation): insights from macrovertebrate and microvertebrate fossils. Palaios. 36: 269-282.


#203 - Silva Junior, J. C. G., F. F. Montefeltro, T. S. Marinho, A. G. Martinelli & M. C. Langer. 2021. Finite elements analysis suggests a defensive role for osteoderms in titanosaur dinosaurs (Sauropoda). Cretaceous Research. 129: 105031.


#204 - Oliveira-Ciabati, L., L. L. Santos, A. S. Hsiou, A. M. Sasso, M. Castro & J. P. Souza. 2021. Sexismo científico: o viés de gênero na produção científica da Universidade de São Paulo. Revista de Saúde Pública. DOI: 10.11606/s1518-8787.2021055002939. 


#205 - Barcelos, L., & V. K. Verdade. 2022. A new fossil of Ceratophrys Wied-Neuwied (Ceratophryidae: Anura) from Southeastern Brazil. Zootaxa. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5094.3.9. 


#206 - Fiorelli, L.E., A. G. Martinelli, J. I. Silva, E. M. Hechenleitner, M. V. T. Soares, J. C. G. Silva Junior, J. C. Silva, É. M. R. Borges, L. C. B. Ribeiro, A. Marconato, G. Basilici & T. S. Marinho. 2022. First titanosaur dinosaur nesting site from the Late Cretaceous of Brazil. Scientific Reports. 12: 5091. 


#207 - Langer, M.C., J. C. A. Marsola, R. T. Müller, M. Bronzati, J. S. Bittencourt, C. Apaldetti & M. D. Ezcurra (2022). The Early Radiation of Sauropodomorphs in the Carnian (Late Triassic) of South America. In: A. Otero, J. L. Carballido & D. Pol (eds) South American Sauropodomorph Dinosaurs: Record, Diversity and Evolution. pp1-49. Springer. 


#208 - Barcelos, L. A., D. Almeida-Silva, C. M. D. Santos & V. K. Verdade (2022). Phylogenetic analysis of Ceratophryidae (Anura: Hyloidea) including extant and extinct species. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. DOI: 10.1080/14772019.2022.2050824. 


#209 - Langer, M. C., & P. L. Godoy (2022). So Volcanoes Created the Dinosaurs? A Quantitative Characterization of the Early Evolution of Terrestrial Pan-Aves. Frontiers in Earth Science. DOI: 10.3389/feart.2022.899562. 


#210 - Onary, S., A. S. Hsiou, M. Lee & A. Palci (2022) Redescription, taxonomy and phylogenetic relationships of Boavus Marsh, 1871 (Serpentes: Booidea) from the early–middle Eocene of the USA. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. DOI: 10.1080/14772019.2022.2068386. 


#211 - Delcourt, R., & M. C. Langer (2022). A small abelisaurid caudal vertebra from the Bauru Basin, Presidente Prudente Formation (Late Cretaceous), Brazil adds information about the diversity and distribution of theropods in central South America. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. DOI:10.1016/j.jsames.2022.103879. 


#212 - Barcelos, L. A., & R. O. Santos (2022). The lissamphibian fossil record of South America. Paleobiodiversity and Paleoenvironments. DOI:10.1007/s12549-022-00536-0. 


#213 - Silva Júnior, J. (2022). A ascensão da paleontologia no final do século XIX: algumas considerações por Thomas Henry Huxley. Filosofia e História da Biologia. 17: 47-71.


#214 - Muniz, F. P., M. C. Bissaro-Júnior, E. Guilherme, J. P. Souza-Filho, F. R. Negri & A. S. Hsiou (2022). Fossil frogs from the upper Miocene of southwestern Brazilian Amazonia (Solimões Formation, Acre Basin). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. e2089853.


#215 - Jurigan, I., F. Ricardi-Branco & R. Delcourt (2022). Ichthyoliths of the Corumbataí Formation: New occurrences and interpretations for São Paulo state, Brazil (northeastern Paraná basin). Journal of South American Earth Sciences. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsames.2022.103958.


#216 - Paiva, A. P. S., P. L. Godoy, R. B. B. Souza, W. Klein & A. S. Hsiou (2022). Body size estimation of Caimaninae specimens from the miocene of South America. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsames.2022.103970.


#217 - Griffin, C. T., B. M. Wynd, D. Munyikwa, T. J. Broderick, M. Zondo, S. Tolan, M. C. Langer, S. J. Nesbitt & Hazel R. Taruvinga (2022). Africa's oldest dinosaurs reveal early suppression of dinosaur distribution. Nature. DOI: 10.5061/dryad.pg4f4qrqd


#218 - Muzzopappa, P., F. V. Iori, F. P. Muniz & G. G. Martinelli (2022). A new species of Baurubatrachus (Anura, Neobatrachia) from the Late Cretaceous Adamantina Formation of Brazil furnishes evidence on the diversity of this bizarre genus. Ameghiniana. DOI: 10.5710/AMGH.29.07.2022.3505


#219 -  Fachini, T. S., P. L. Godoy, J. C. A. Marsola, F. C. Montefeltro & M. C. Langer. 2022. A large-sized mesoeucrocodylian from the Late Cretaceous of Brazil with possible neosuchian affinities. Historical Biology. DOI: 10.1080/08912963.2022.2122822


#220 -  Hermanson, G., R. B. J. Benson, B. M. Farina, G. S. Ferreira, M. C. Langer & S. W. Evers. 2022. Cranial ecomorphology of turtles and neck retraction as a possible trigger of ecological diversification. Evolution. DOI: 10.1111/evo.14629


#221 -  Hsiou, A. S., M. C. Bissaro-Júnior, F. P. Muniz, F. R. Negri, A. M. Ribeiro & L. Kerber. 2022. Evidências das paisagens da Proto-Amazônia há 10 milhões de anos, com base em vertebrados fósseis da Formação Solimões. In: Corecco, Leonardo (Ed.), Paleontologia do Brasil, paleoecologia e paleoambientes. Rio de Janeiro: Interciência. 29-63.


#222 -  Soto, M., R. Delcourt, M. C. Langer & D. Perea. 2022. The first record of Abelisauridae (Theropoda: Ceratosauria) from Uruguay (Late Jurassic, Tacuarembó Formation). Historical Biology. DOI: 10.1080/08912963.2022.2140425


#223 -  Pessoa-Lima, C., J. Tostes-Figueiredo, N. Macedo-Ribeiro, A. S. Hsiou, F. P. Muniz, J. A. Maulin, V. H. Franceschini-Santos, F. B. de Sousa, F. Barbosa Jr., S. R. P. Line, R F. Gerlach & M. C. Langer. 2022. Structure and Chemical Composition of ca. 10-Million-Year-Old (Late Miocene of Western Amazon) and Present-Day Teeth of Related Species. Biology. 11: 1636.


#224 -  Silva Junior, J. C., A. G. Martinelli, T. S. Marinho, J. I. da Silva & M. C. Langer. 2022. New specimens of Baurutitan britoi and a taxonomic reassessment of the titanosaur dinosaur fauna (Sauropoda) from the Serra da Galga Formation (Late Cretaceous) of Brazil. PeerJ. 10: e14333. 


#225 -  Sena, M. V. A., T. S. Marinho, F. C. Montefeltro, M. C. Langer, T. S. Fachini, W. R Nava, A. E. P. Pinheiro, E. V. Araújo, P. Aubier, R. C. L. P. Andrade, J. M. Sayão, G. R. Oliveira & J. Cubo, 2022. Osteohistological characterization of notosuchian osteoderms: evidence for an overlying thick leathery layer of skin. Journal of Morphology. 


#226 -  Cezar, L., F. Pisaneschi, J. V. Valentova & I. Delval 2022. Interações sexuais entre indivíduos do mesmo sexo: Artigo um olhar evolucionista. Psicologia USP, 33. 


#227 -  Dunne, E. M., A. Farnsworth, R. B. J. Benson, P. L. Godoy, S. E. Greene, P. J. Valdes, D. J. Lunt & R. J. Butler. 2022. Climatic controls on the ecological ascendancy of dinosaurs. Current Biology. DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2022.11.064. 


#228 -  Langer, M., R. Delcourt, F. Montefeltro, J. Silva Júnior, M. Soler, G. Ferreira, J. Ruiz, L. Barcelos, S. Onary, J. Marsola, M. Castro, G. Cidade & A. Batezelli. 2022. A Bacia Bauru no Estado de São Paulo e seus tetrápodes. Derbyana, 43, e776. DOI: 10.14295/derb.v43.776. 


#229 -  Missagia, R. V., D. M. Casali, B. D. Patterson & F. A Perini. 2023. Decoupled Patterns of Diversity and Disparity Characterize an Ecologically Specialized Lineage of Neotropical Cricetids. Evolutionary Biology. DOI: 10.1007/s11692-022-09596-8. 


#230 -  Wilberg, E. W., P. L. Godoy, E. F. Griffiths, A. H. Turner & R. B. J. Benson 2023. A new early diverging thalattosuchian (Crocodylomorpha) from the Early Jurassic (Pliensbachian) of Dorset, U.K. and implications for the origin and evolution of the group. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2022.2161909. 


#231 -  Casali, D. M., A. Boscaini, T. J. Gaudin & F. A. Perini. 2023. Morphological disparity and evolutionary rates of cranial and postcranial characters in sloths (Mammalia, Pilosa, Folivora). Palaeontology. DOI: 10.1111/pala.12639. 


#232 -  Caetano, J. M. V., R. Delcourt & L. C. M. O. Ponciano. 2023. A taxon with no name: 'Ubirajara jubatus' (Saurischia: Compsognathidae) is an unavailable name and has no nomenclatural relevance. Zootaxa. DOI: 10.11646/ZOOTAXA.5254.3.10. 


#233 -  Roese-Miron, L., M. E. H. Jones, J. D. Ferreira &  A. S. Hsiou. 2023. Virtual endocasts of Clevosaurus brasiliensis and the tuatara: Rhynchocephalian neuroanatomy and the oldest endocranial record for Lepidosauria. The Anatomical Record. DOI: 10.1002/ar.25212. 


#234 -  Manfroi, J., C. Trevisan, T. L. Dutra, A. Jasper, M. D. A Carvalho, F. E. Aquino & M. ;Leppe. 2023. "Antarctic on fire": Paleo-wildfire events associated with volcanic deposits in the Antarctic Peninsula during the Late Cretaceous. Frontiers in Earth Science. 11:1048754. 


#235 - Casali, D. M., F. V. Freitas & F. A. Perini. 2023. Evaluating the Impact of Anatomical Partitioning on Summary Topologies Obtained with Bayesian Phylogenetic Analyses of Morphological Data. Systematic Biology. DOI: 10.1093/sysbio/syac076. 


#236 - Barbosa, G. G., M. C. Langer, N. O. Martins & F. C. Montefeltro. 2023. Assessing the palaeobiology of Vespersaurus paranaensis (Theropoda, Noasauridae), Cretaceous, Bauru Basin – Brazil, using Finite Element Analysis. Cretaceous Research. 150, 105594. DOI: 10.1016/j.cretres.2023.105594. 


#237 - Freitas, R. C., A. Batezelli, F. P. Muniz, D. C. Ribeiro, J. V. Ruiz, Y. M. Alves, C. Geroto, M. C. Castro, G. G. Barbosa, M. C. Langer & F. C. Montefeltro. 2023. A microvertebrate assemblage from the Adamantina Formation (Bauru Group, Upper Cretaceous) in São Paulo State, Brazil. Cretaceous Research. 150, 105594. DOI: 10.1016/j.cretres.2023.105589. 


#238 - Farina, B. M., P. L. Godoy, R. B. J. Benson, M. C. Langer & G. S. Ferreira, G. S. 2023. Turtle bodysize evolution is determined by lineage-specific specializations rather than global trends. Ecology and Evolution. 13: e10201. 


#239 - Marivaux, L., F. R. Negri, P.-O. Antoine, N. S. Stutz, F. L. Condamine, L. Kerber, F. Pujos, R. V. Santos, A. M. V. Alvim, A. S. Hsiou, M. C. Bissaro Jr., K. Adami-Rodrigues & A. M. Ribeiro. 2023. An eosimiid primate of South Asian affinities in the Paleogene of Western Amazonia and the origin of New World monkeys. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 120: e2301338120. 


#240 - Silva Junior, C. J., T. S. Marinho, A. G. Martinelli, L. C. B. Ribeiro & M. C. Langer. 2023. The largest known titanosaur (Dinosauria, Sauropoda) tooth and other isolated dental elements from the Serra da Galga Formation (Cretaceous of Southeast Brazil). Cretaceous Research. 


#241 - Kirmse, J. P., M. J. Benton, C. Hildebrandt, M. C. Langer & J. C. A. Marsola. 2023. A Coelophysoidea (Dinosauria, Therpoda) femur from the Tytherington fissures (Rhaetian, Late Triassic), Bristol, UK. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association. 10.1016/j.pgeola.2023.07.005. 


#242 - Mestriner, G., J. C. Marsola, S. J. Nesbitt, A. A. S. Rosa & M. C. Langer. 2023. Anatomy and phylogenetic affinities of a new silesaurid assemblage from the Carnian beds of south Brazil. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2023.2232426. 


#243 - Martins, K. C., M. V. Queiroz, J. V. Ruiz, M. C. Langer & F. C. Montefeltro. 2023. A new Baurusuchidae (Notosuchia, Crocodyliformes) from the Adamantina Formation (Bauru Group, Upper Cretaceous), with a revised phylogenetic analysis of Baurusuchia. Cretaceous Research. DOI: 10.1016/j.cretres.2023.105680. 


#244 - Windholz, G. J., R. González, I. A. Cerda, F. Bellardini, J. C. G. Silva Júnior, T. S. Marinho, L. C. B. Ribeiro & A. G. Martinelli. 2023. Osteohistology of Uberabatitan ribeiroi (Dinosauria, Sauropoda) provides insight into the life history of titanosaurs. Historical Biology. DOI: 10.1080/08912963.2023.2253257. 


#245 - Guilherme, E., C. D'Apolito, F. P. Muniz, S. O. Lomba, L. Aldrin & A. S. Hsiou. 2023. New fossil anhingids from the upper Acre River (Late Miocene of southwestern Amazon). The Anatomical Record. DOI: 10.1002/ar.25329


#246 - Bronzati, M., M. C. Langer, M. D. Ezcurra, M. R. Stocker & S. J. Nesbitt. 2023. Braincase and neuroanatomy of the lagerpetid Dromomeron gregorii (Archosauria, Pterosauromorpha) with comments on the early evolution of the braincase and associated soft tissues in Avemetatarsalia. The Anatomical Record. DOI: 10.1002/ar.25334


#247 - Stutz, N. S., P. Hadler, F. R. Negri, L. Marivaux, P.-O. Antoine, F. Pujos, T. R. Jacó, E. M. Fontoura, L. Kerber, A. S. Hsiou, R. V. Santos, A. M. V. Alvim & A. M Ribeiro. 2023. New records of marsupials from the Miocene of Western Amazonia, Acre, Brazil. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 68 (3): 457–475


#248 - Sena, M. V. A., F. C. Montefeltro, T. S. Marinho, M. C. Langer, T. S. Fachini, A. E. P. Pinheiro, A. S. Machado, R. T. Lopes, R. Pellarin, J. M. Sayão, G. R. Oliveira & J. Cubo. 2023. The cost of living in Notosuchia (Crocodyliformes, Mesoeucrocodylia). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2023.111855


#249 - Cidade, G. M., & A. S. Hsiou. 2023. An updated taxonomic revision of the species of Mourasuchus (Alligatoroidea, Caimaninae). Historical Biology. DOI: 0.1080/08912963.2023.2271506


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